Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Lan Attacker Tutorial

LAN Attacker

LAN attacker merupakan suatu program yang diperuntukkan dalam menyingkirkan pengguna yang mengganggu dalam sebuah LAN. Bisa juga untuk menjahili teman anda :DD. Program ini memungkinkan killing komputer lain dalam suatu LAN tanpa diketahui oleh admin.

Program ini di desain sangat jahat dalam LAN dan berhati-hatilah menggunakannya karena dapat menyebabkan jaringan bisa terputus secara temporal jika digunakan berlebihan (pengalaman pribadi :DD)

So, Don't Try This At Home!

Download Here!

Ni pesan dari sumbernya:
(1) Arp Flood - Send ip conflict packets to target computers as fast as possible, if you send too much, the target computers will down. Sad
(2) BanGateway - Tell the gateway a wrong mac address of target computers, so the targets can't receive packet from the internet. This attack is to forbid the targets access the internet.
(3) IPConflict - Like Arp Flood, send ip conflict packets to target computers regularly, maybe the users can't work because of regular ip conflict message. what's more, the targets can't access the lan.
(4) SniffGateway - Spoof the targets and the gateway, you can use sniffer to collect packets between them.
(5) SniffHosts - Spoof among two or above targets, you can use sniffer to collect packets among all of them. (dangerous!!!!)
(6) SniffLan - Just like SniffGateway, the difference is that SniffLan sends broadcast arp packets to tell all computers on the lan that this host is just the gateway, So you can sniff all the data between all hosts with the gateway.(dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Untuk Mengedit serangan dapat masuk ke menu Option> Attack dan edit serangan tersebut sesuai kemauan anda

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